GroupLife make disciples!

We have a variety of Small Groups, discipleship triads, prayer groups and study groups.  Our study groups are initiated and begun at semester intervals.  We launch new groups in the Fall, Winter and late Spring.  Some groups will continue to meet through the year, others will disband and start again with each semester.  There are regular opportunities to participate in GroupLife at New Era Reformed.  

A Discipleship Triad is typically engaged for 10-12 months and can be started anytime.  They are not part of our seasonal launches.  Gathering in groups of 3, or maybe 4, but never more.  A discipleship groups will meet a minimum of two times each month.  They can meet weekly, but no less than twice each month.  A discipleship group will choose a curriculum to follow and agree to complete thework together.  For more information about a Discipleship Triad please contact Pastor Rick.